Frank Römer
is an osteopath, physiotherapist, alternative practitioner and an authorised FDM-instructor. For five years he worked with the best sports men and women of the German Armed Forces sport support program before opening his practice in 2004 in Wolfenbuttel. There, he is primarily active as an osteopath with the main emphasis on FDM and children’s osteopathy. In 2009 he founded the IFO so that he can increase awareness of fascia therapy in Germany. In 2012 he founded the “International FDM Organization” and made it its mission to manage and monitor FDM training. He is author and editor of the first “Praktischen Lehrbuchs zum Faszien Distorsions Modell” (Practical Training Book for the Fascial Distortion Model) that was translated into English in 2012 and Polish in 2013.You can find further information about Frank Römer at:
Dr. Biol. Hum. Dipl.-Psych. Robert Schleip
has been a Rolfer for more than 30 years and heads the Fascia Research Project at Ulm University. His human biology dissertation about “Active Fascia Contractility” was awarded with the Vladimir-Janda Prize for musculoskeletal medicine. He was a driving force for the adoption of the very successful organisation of the Fascia Research Congress at Harvard Med. School in Boston (2007) as well as Amsterdam (2009) and Vancouver (2012).He is a licensed Feldenkrais teacher, Rolfing-instructor as well as research director of the European Rolfing Association.
You can find further information about Dr. Robert Schleip at:
Fascia Research Projekt
Dr. med. Sabine Bleuel
is a specialist for orthopaedics, accident and hand surgery and has an additional title in sports medicine with a focus on hand and foot surgery. She is authorised by the international FDM Organisation as an FDM-trainer and works daily with the Typaldos FDM model. From 2003 to 2011 she worked as a self-employed instructor at the physiotherapy-training centre in Augsburg and also in the Hamburg area.In 2011 she published an article about FDM-therapy for hands in the "Manuelle Medizin" magazine that has been presented at various sport medicine congresses and events. Since 2010 she has been working in a practice as a registered doctor and since 2012 as an affiliated doctor at the Fleetinsel clinic in Hamburg.
You can find further information about Dr. med. Sabine Bleuel at:
Raimond Igel
is a qualified nurse, physiotherapist and osteopath and an IFDMO authorised FDM-instructor. For over 15 years he has worked in a practice for physiotherapy and osteopathy in Berlin Zehlendorf. As a licensed sport physiotherapist of the DOSB and member of the medical team of the German Athletics Federation (DLV) who also since 2004 accompanied various top athletes of the DLV at the European, World and Olympic games. As a former athlete (javelin) his treatment speciality is FDM-therapy in highly competitive sports. With regards to this he has just published an article in the book “Lehrbuch der Osteopathie” (Haug-Verlag).You can find further information about Raimond Igel at:
Dennis Kraus
is a physiotherapist, alternative practitioner (PT) and an IFDMO authorised FDM-instructor. Since 2005 he is self-employed with his own practice for physiotherapy and prevention with the main focus on orthopaedics, pain therapy and functional training. He is especially interested in integrating new findings about fascia in his work and training. As a senior instructor he has, since 2005, held courses around Europe in kinesiological taping and is an assistant at the MT-training of the IFK (southern Germany). Together with his practice and trainer occupations he produces an e-learning programme with the “” company in the medicine/health area.You can find further information about Dennis Kraus at:
Harry Pijnappel
is a physiotherapist and IFDMO authorised FDM-instructor. He has his own practice in Germany that he has managed for 14 years. Together with his specialities, sport and paediatrics he has also been working with elastic tapes since 1999. Since 2002 he has been giving courses in various European countries (The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Poland and Russia) as well as the Middle East for “Fysiotape”. In 2006 his book “Handbuch des Tapens” was published and translated into several languages. Harry has conducted a lot of research in the area of elastic taping of which much has been published.You can find further information about Harry Pijnappel at:
Pierre Prokop
is a qualified physiotherapist, paramedic and an IFDMO authorised FDM-instructor.
He supervised specialist groups of the German Armed Forces for 14 years before he made Stockholm in Sweden the centre of his life. He is also a self-employed physiotherapist specialising in pain treatment and mobilisation according to the Fascial Distortion Model. Functional training, especially Crossfit is a further interest of his that he employs when supervising national and international athletes.
Marco Congia
is sports physiotherapist, practitioner for alternative medicine (PT), athletic coach and instructor for EasyFlossing. His qualifications include: Osteopathic and Manual Therapy, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Bobath, Vojta, McKenzie and Cyriax Therapy, Liebscher & Bracht Pain Management and Body Kinematics, Kinesio Taping…
2014 he completed an advanced education course with fitness guru Mark Verstegen, 2015 he graduated as physical rehabilitation coach at Bert van Wingerden. 2016 he became an instructor for Easy Flossing.
Additional information regarding Marco Congia:Robert Jan Faryj
is a qualified physiotherapist and an IFDMO authorised FDM-instructor. For many years, he has been instructing physiotherapists, masseurs, doctors and sport trainers in the field of complex decongestive therapy, Tensiotaping®, Medical Fitness and Qi-Bo®. He lives in Mazuren - the land of a thousand lakes (East Prussia / Poland) and works as a freelance therapist with a main focus on orthopedics, pain and edema therapy in his practices’ in Warsaw and in Pisz (Johannisburg). He is the inventor of the "Lymphverband", which is pricipally a therapy for fighting lymphedema. In addition to his research, practice and teaching staff work, he is a passionate coach of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, mixed Martial Arts and Qi-Bo®.You can find further information about Robert Jan Faryj at:
Klaus Herrmann
is a physiotherapist, osteopath, naturopathic therapist and an IFDMO authorised FDM-instructor. He has his own privite physiotherapy and osteopathy practice since 1999. He used to work with the ice hockey team Scorpions in Hannover and junior tennis club in the Lower Saxony. Since 2007 a as a taping instrusctor he has been training physioterapists at the Robinson Clubs. His main focus is fascia and scar therapy.
Piotr Kostrzębski
trained physiotherapist, osteopath, manual therapist and FDM and FDM NEURO instructor certified by the IFDMO. Privately, co-owner of Osteopathy Zone in Pruszków, Poland. He was the first to start research on the application of the FDM and fascial manipulative therapy to treat patients with pathological tonus in the course of neurological diseases, particularly in neuropediatric patients. He uses FDM to help neurological patients, especially children with spastic diplegia which is one of the forms of cerebral palsy. He also developed a training programme for foot examination, manipulative and osteopathic therapy, and biomechanics. Since late 2014, he has been working as an assistant in the CPAT (Complex Physical Antiedema Therapy) training.
Mathias Brachetti
is a physical-, manualtherapist and massagetherapist with 30 years of experience and an IFDMO authorised FDM-instructor. He is also a teacher in manual therapy. He has been working for 20 years in Medical University of Hannover (MHH), at the department of rehabilitation, and as well as a freelancer in some schools for physical therapist in Hannover. In 2009 he founded the Academy of Manual Therapy in Hannover, and since this time he is working there. One focus of his work is the setup of the cooperation with the Swedish Association of Physiotherapy.
Adam Kuna
is a qualified physiotherapist, FDM instructor and FDM Taping instructor certified by the IFDMO. He is also PNF therapist, Mulligan Concept therapist and FMS certified therapist. Many years of experience with patients allows him to belive that the soft tissue treatment combined with a physical activity is a solution to most musculoskeletal system disorders. Adam works in a rehabilitation clinic AngitiaMed in Pisz. Besides manual therapy his interests include sport, especially soccer.
Oleh Boboshko
Master of Rehabilitation, accredited international instructor of FDM federation IFDMO. During his numerous trips he completed courses: Thai massage (Chiang Mai - Thailand), acupuncture (Beijing - China, Tashkent - Uzbekistan), Yumeiho therapy (Moscow - Russia), orthobionology (Kiev - Ukraine), deep tissue massage (Kiev - Ukraine), the Old-Slavic massage of the abdominal cavity (Moscow - Russia), the hirudotherapy (Lviv - Ukraine). The slogan of life: \"Γηράσκω δ\" αιεί πολλά διδασκόμενος! \"- Σόλων (How much I live - I always study). He is engaged in private therapeutic practice in Athens (Greece) with patients with FDM therapy.
Weronika Wróblewska
is a qualified physiotherapist, FDM instructor certified by the IFDMO, Mulligan Concept certified therapist, Kinesio Taping therapist with several years of experience achived during clinical work and many trainings. She works as an independent physiotherapist with a special emphasis on the mobilization and pain relief by using FDM method, mainly with the orthopedic patients. She is passionate about manual work with patients, appreciates the enormous potential of the fascial therapy in physiotherapy. As an atlethe and FDM therapist she has a lot of experices and skills to pass.
Christian Spath
is physiotherapist, physiotherapist OMT (Osteopathic Manual Therapy) and subject teacher for MT (Manual Therapy) as well as KGG (physiotherapy using exercise machines). Since 2016 he’s educating himself in Osteopathy at the SFO (School for Osteopathy).
Martin Hermann
is degreed physiotherapist and osteopath. He’s working as osteopath for 19 years and as degreed physiotherapist and subject teacher for body kinematics for 26 years. Since 1999 he’s head of the COS (Centre of Osteopathic Education) which teaches Human and Animal Osteopathy.
David Arnold
is physiotherapist and coach since 2006. He’s currently working with the DBB (German Basketball Federation) as physiotherapist. He specializes and educated himself in: Sports Physiotherapy from the DOSB (German Olympic Sports Confederation), Mechanical Diagnostics and Therapy by R. McKenzie and the Fascial Distortion Model by S. Typaldos. He’s a licensed coach for back therapy training.
Peter Werner
is physiotherapist, osteopath and free-lancing lecturer as well as lecturer at the SFO (School for Osteopathy).
Marcin Słota
Is physiotherapist, IFDMO accredited instructor for FDM, therapist for PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) and KPE (Complex Physical Therapy for Lymphatic Drainage).
In addition to his mainly FDM related work, he’s especially interested in visceral anti-oedema therapy and chronic patients who require extraordinary patience, endurance and specialised knowledge. His great passion is the art of graffiti.
Peter Roth
ist Physiotherapeut, Sport- und Manualtherapeut mit Aus- und Weiterbildungen in den Gebieten Faszien, Hochleistungssport und alternativen Behandlungsmethoden. Er betreut Spitzensportler und Vereine, die in der nationalen A-Liga spielen. Er entwickelte zusammen mit Karl Müller (Kybun) das Fascial-Performance-Selbst-Therapie-Programm. Daneben ist er seit 2012 Ausbilder und seit 2016 Dozent an der THIM - Hochschule für Physiotherapie in Landquart. Er hat eigene Praxen und beschäftigt über 30 Mitarbeiter.Weitere Informationen zu Peter Roth finden Sie unter:
Friederike Skirl
is an independent osteopath and lecturer.
Quastné Rigó Katalin
is a qualified biologist, movement therapist and naturopath. She is the training manager and owner of Oriolus-Med Kft. In Hungary, author of several Hungarian specialist books and gives further training in kinesiological taping, flossing, cupping and scar therapy. Ms. Rigó Katalin holds the Certified FDM Practitioner Certificate and is an FDM instructor authorized by the IFDMO.